Remastering the Past: the Post-production of Mexico's Cultural Heritage


  • sandra López Varela Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


heritage, memory, social movements, 1968, Mexico


On the wake of the fiftieth anniversary of the student’s massacre that took place on October 2, 1968, at
the Nonoalco Tlatelolco Housing Complex, José Ramón Amieva, Mexico City’s major, signed a mandate whereby “Tlatelolco” became part of the intangible cultural heritage to honor its historical richness, dating back to its foundation by the Aztecs in 1337. In his speech, Amieva emphasized no student would be allowed to be the victim of such an act of aggression, much less his or her whereabouts be unknown. By inserting the massacre of 1968 within the declaration of intangible cultural heritage, the government created a “new” national truth regarding the massacre, with the potential to blur the character of the 1968 movement; not without inciting a countercultural movement introducing an alternative view of Mexico’s heritage, which visibly brings to life a claim for social justice.

Author Biography




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How to Cite

Flores Farfán, L., and sandra López Varela. “Remastering the Past: The Post-Production of Mexico’s Cultural Heritage”. DISCOURSE STUDIES, vol. 6, no. 1, June 2020, pp. 82-103,