African Americans: a story of necroright




necropolitics, prison system, homo sacer, racialization, criminalization


In the United States, prisons are a lucrative business because they have agreements with the government where they charge between 40 and 60 dollars per inmate. This implies that the prisons set a quota of prisoners that must be covered by a legal system that is characterized by criminalize African Americans who for years were enslaved and marginalized. In this article we propose to establish the relationship between the legal framework (necroright), public policies (necropolitics), the mediatization of hate speech and discrimination as a way of converting African Americans into homo sacer, in the face of public opinion that justifies that the bodies, freedom and lives of black people and other ethical minorities be disciplined. A historical tour is proposed through the laws, political campaigns such as the war on drugs and the State of Exception to show that the history of African Americans is a story of necroright.


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How to Cite

San Vicente Parada, A. del C. “African Americans: A Story of Necroright”. DISCOURSE STUDIES, vol. 10, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 60-85, doi:10.30973/esdi.2024.10.1.175.