About the problem of truth in the interpretation of the young Nietzsche





Metaphors, theoretical man, Dionysian truth, Apollonian-Dionysian, tragedy, becoming


The following text intends to problematize a usually recognized interpretation of truth in Nietzsche's thought. This interpretation arises mainly from the reading of a text of his youth entitled "On Truth and Lies in an Extramoral Sense". In order to problematize this interpretation, two other texts belonging to the same period are analyzed. Based on these analyses, a different reading of the theme of truth in Nietzsche's work is proposed, highlighting that even in On Truth and Lies the Apollonian and the Dionysian are present, and bringing this text closer to a tragic conception of existence, which is an important part of our philosopher's thought.


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Portadilla: sobre el problema de la verdad



How to Cite

Mejía Espinoza, A. “About the Problem of Truth in the Interpretation of the Young Nietzsche”. DISCOURSE STUDIES, vol. 10, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 56-74, doi:10.30973/esdi.2024.10.2.197.