Analysis and characterization of artistic and activist practices of a community of practice: the case of MedialabMx


  • Alma Celia Galindo Nuñez Universidad de Colima


MedialabMx, activism, art, community of practice


The following article is an ethnographic approach that describes the practices of MedialabMx, a community of practice and a techno - social space that conducts research and social impact from a participatory pedagogy. To inquire on the relationship between art, technology, and politics. The purpose of the work, at first, seeks to conceptualize what a Community of Practice is. Also, to define the functions that they perform framed from artivism. Then, it seeks to characterize and analyze the discursive practices of MedialabMx through the projects and activities they carry out to function as a critical apparatus of reality that questions and denounces social problems through art. In addition, recognize its functions as a space for social learning to generate citizen participation.


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How to Cite

Galindo Nuñez, A. C. . “Analysis and Characterization of Artistic and Activist Practices of a Community of Practice: The Case of MedialabMx”. DISCOURSE STUDIES, vol. 8, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 89-107,