Memories that matter: participatory art and counter-narratives of the pandemic


  • Susana Gutierrez-Portillo Instituto de Investigaciones Culturales/ Museo de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


participatory art, feminist activism, narratives, counternarratives, pandemic


This work reflects on the power of culture-specific intervention to mobilize memory and subjectivities in the production of counter-narratives about confinement and crisis in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Through narrative analysis, we characterize the master narratives disseminated through digital media about the pandemic and analyze Mexican artist Lorena Wolffer’s Diarias Global, an art project that recovers memories that were veiled and silenced during the health crisis. As a result, it is proposed that art in this participatory art project is capable of questioning, resignifying and reversing the narratives of chaos, insecurity, disease, and death massively disseminated during the period of confinement.


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How to Cite

Gutierrez-Portillo, S. . “Memories That Matter: Participatory Art and Counter-Narratives of the Pandemic”. DISCOURSE STUDIES, vol. 8, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 48-69,