Notes on Art and Activism: The Singularity of Multitudinous Desire


  • Alejandro Espinoza Galindo Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


art, activism, Historical Avant Garde, Vita Activa/Vita Contemplativa


The following text presents a series of considerations regarding the historical and theoretical parameters that define the relationships between art and activism, a practice that links the statutes of art with those of political action that Historic Avant-Garde has identified as a manner of operation, putting forth a disruptive exercise that strived to elliminate the contemplative nature of the art object and leading it to the public sphere; an operation that, through multiple disciplines and socio-aestethic participations, introduced the strategies that are used nowadays by artists/activists for the practical becoming of their political and aesthetic actions, where they appeal to the transformation of individual singularity towards a colletive environment. 


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How to Cite

Espinoza Galindo, A. . “Notes on Art and Activism: The Singularity of Multitudinous Desire ”. DISCOURSE STUDIES, vol. 8, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 34-47,